Current NHS consultant posts held
Consultant hand surgeon,
Salford Royal Hospital,
Stott Lane,
Salford M6 8HD
Research interests
Dupuytren's disease.
STT arthritis
Systemic sclerosis (scleroderma)
Personal interests
(Additional) Languages spoken
- French
- Fluent
- German
- Conversational
- Italian
- Basic
Recent publications (2015 to present):
Akhavani M, McMurtrie A, Webb M, Muir L
A Review of the Classification of Dupuytren's disease
J Hand Surg (E) 2015; 40: 155-165
Wright AC, Muir L
A review of published radiographic indicators of carpometacarpal dislocation including their application to volar dislocations through a case study.
J Emerg Med 2015; 49: e69-e71
Pinder RM, Brkljac M, Rix L, Muir L, Brewster M
Treatment of scaphoid nonunion. A systematic review of the existing evidence.
J H Surg (A) 2015; 40: 1797 - 1805
Sinclair VF, Karantana A; Muir L
Reverse hemi hamate arthroplasty for volar fracture dislocation of the PIP joint of the finger
J Hand Surg (E)
2017: 42: 199-200
Sharp C, Akram Q, Hughes M, Herrick A, Muir L
Differential diagnosis of critical digital ischemia in systemic sclerosis: Report of five cases and review of the literature.
Semin Arthritis Rheum. 2016; 46: 209-216
Rymaruk S, Murphy R, Muir L
Letter re Lees DA, Penny JB, Baker P
Bone Joint J 2016;98-B:519–25
Akram Q, Hughes M, Herrick AL, Muir L
A rare case of coexistent digital gouty and infective flexor tenosynovitis
Akram Q, Hughes M, Muir L.
BMJ Case Rep 29 June 2016
Murray AK, Moore TL, Wragg E, Ennis H, Vail A, Dinsdale G, Muir L, Griffiths CEM, Herrick AL
Pilot study assessing pathophysiology and healing of digital ulcers in patients with systemic sclerosis using laser Doppler imaging and thermography.
Clin Exper Rheum
2016; 34 S 100 : 100-105
Deans V, Naqui SZ, Muir L
STTystematic review of surgical treatment.
J Hand Surg (A-P)
2017; 22: 1 – 9
Naqui SZ, Khor WS, Mishra A, Lees VCL, Muir L
The Management of Chronic Non-Arthritic Scapholunate Dissociation: A Systematic Review
J Hand Surg (E)
Muir L, Richter M, Verstreken F
Eligibility and structures of the European Board of Hand Surgery Diploma exam
J Hand Surg (E)
2018; 43: 104-106
Herrick AL, Muir L
Raynaud’s phenomenon.
In: Rutherford’s Vascular Surgery (8th Edition).
Eds Cronenwett J, Johnston KW
Elsevier, Philadelphia 2014
Muir L
Surgical aspects of treatment
In: Raynaud's Phenomenon
Eds Wigley F et al
Springer Verlag, New York 2015
Hughes M, Herrick A, Muir L
Critical Ischaemia in Patients with Raynaud’s Phenomenon
In: Critical Limb Ischaemia
Eds Dieter S, Dieter RA Jr, Dieter RA III, Nanjundappa A
Springer Verlag, Switzerland 2016
Brewster M, Pinder R, Muir L
Scaphoid non union
In Scaphoid fractures – the evidence
Chapter Editor: Warwick D
FESSH Instructional Course Book 2017
Courses offered to GPs
I am happy to talk on any aspect of hand surgery.
Previous lectures have included:
injection workshop
"Doctor - do you think they can do anything for this?"