
Mr Graham Alexander

Counselling, Psychotherapy 30045798

  • Fee assured
Fee assured

About me

I became a counsellor/psychotherapist through my experience of life. work and personal therapy and in realising the link between creativity and personal development. I have been a practisiing counsellor and counselling supervisor for many years.

For over twenty-five years I worked for different structural consulting engineers at home and abroad (USA). Consequently, I have much experience of the workplace and life/work balance.

I created and delivered drug and alcohol counselling services in Brighton and Hastings in partnership with other local services. In addition provided group supervision for services in Brighton and Worthing.

I created and delivered a counselling service for a charity in a mixed secondary age school and separate counselling for young people aged 11 to 24.

I worked as a counsellor for a student counselling service at the University of Sussex.

I work as a counsellor for a global Employment Assistance Programme.

Areas of interest

In alphabetical order:
Anxiety; Autistic spectrum; Bereavement; Depression; Drug and Substance misuse (including alcohol); General counselling; Life changes; Loss; Personal development; Relationships; Retirement.

Specialist interests and expertise in the following physical conditions

  • Eating disorders
  • Pain management
  • Physical disability
About me
My qualifications & training
My private practice
Consultant's practices
Information for healthcare professionals

Information for healthcare professionals (Bupa patients only, last 12 months)

Procedures completed

  • AA034

    Psychotherapy session - (5-50)

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