- Fee assured
- Verified account
- Not in Open Referral network
- Accredited endoscopist
Specialises in
- General
- Lower GI surgery
Bupa specialist
- Accredited endoscopist
- Face-to-face consultations
- Video and telephone consultations
About me
I graduated from Liverpool University Medical School in 1998. I became a member of the Royal College of Surgeons of England in 2003, and a fellow in 2011. I was awarded my certificate for completion of surgical training in 2012. During this time I worked as a senior registrar at St Mark's Hospital, Harrow (a national and international referral centre for intestinal and colorectal disorders) and undertook a nationally recognised laparoscopic colorectal fellowship at Colchester General Hospital.
Areas of interest
Haemorrhoids - piles, anal bleeding, prolapse, Rafaelo procedure;
Anal fissures - anal bleeding, anal pain;
Anal fistulas - anal pain, swelling, abscesses, infection;
Pilonidal sinus disease - pain, swelling, abscesses, infection;
Open & laparoscopic (keyhole) surgery;
Endoscopy - Gastroscopy, colonoscopy, sigmoidoscopy;
Abdominal (tummy/ belly) pain, bowel & anal disorders;
Abdominal wall hernias - Umbilical (belly button), paraumbilical, epigastric and incisional hernias;
Inguinal & femoral hernias - groin pain, lumps, swellings;
Diverticular Disease - Diverticulitis;
Inflammatory Bowel Disease - Crohn's Disease, Ulcerative colitis;
Colorectal Cancer - Family history of bowel cancer, change of bowel habit, rectal bleeding, unexplained weight loss;
Pelvic floor & Functional Bowel Disorders - faecal incontinence and constipation
Medical secretaries
- Sam Thornton
- c/o Springfield Hospital Lawn Lane CHELMSFORD CM1 7GU
- 07591 960269
- 07591 960269
- tmhammond@outlook.com
Anaesthetists worked with
- Dr Malka Liyanage
Fee Assured
- Dr N L L Chanaka Karunaratne
Not Fee Assured
- Dr Rajesh Jain
Fee Assured
- Dr Kavita Upadhyaya
Not Fee Assured
- Dr Dinesh Sangtani
Fee Assured
Information for healthcare professionals (Bupa patients only, last 12 months)
Proctoscopy (+/- biopsy) - (5-50)
Ramsay Springfield Hospital (5-50)
Diagnostic colonoscopy, includes forceps biopsy of colon and ileum - (5-50)
IV sedation administered by operator - (1-5)
Excision of lesion of anus - (1-5)
Primary repair of inguinal hernia - (1-5)
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