- Fee assured
- Awaiting verification
- Open Referral network
Specialises in
- Cardiac CT/MRI
- General cardiology
- Face-to-face consultations
- Video and telephone consultations
About me
Specialty: Cardiology
I look after the full range of adult cardiac diseases and have particular training and expertise in cardiac imaging techniques, cardiomyopathies, particularly hypertrophic cardiomyopathy and the athletes heart.
At NNUH I run an NHS England approved inherited cardiac conditions service, the only one in the county.
I trained at Guys & St Thomas' Hospital and undertook cardiology training at St Thomas', Princess Royal University Hospital and University Hospital Lewisham. I obtained training in advanced cardiac imaging techniques at Kings College Hospital, Royal Sussex Cardiac Centre in Brighton and The Heart Hospital. I was awarded a British Heart Foundation (BHF) junior research fellowship following which I spent two years investigating the role of advanced echo techniques in the management of transfusion dependent thalassaemia major, leading to my MD thesis.
I have training and expertise in the management of heart muscle disease including hypertrophic cardiomyopathy.
I am accredited with the British Society of Echocardiography for Transthoracic Echocardiography, the European Association of Echocardiography for Transoesophageal Echocardiography, the British Society of Cardiac Imaging for Cardiac CT and the Society for Cardiovascular Magnetic Resonance for cardiac MRI.
Areas of interest
Sub-specialty - Cardiac imaging & cardiomyopathy; Special clinical interests - Echocardiography; Stress Echocardiography; Transoesophageal Echocardiography; Cardiac CT; Cardiac MRI; Cardiomyopathies; Iron overload cardiomyopathy