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About me
BSc PhD MB BS FRCP. Qualified from the Guy’s Hospital in 1979 and after several junior posts trained in immunology nephrology and transplantation at the Hammersmith Hospital in London and was appointed senior lecturer and Hon Consultant in 1994.
Moved to Oxford as consultant nephrologist in 1995.
Clinical Lead for Renal Medicine from 2009 to January 2017. Nephrology Lead for transplantation.
Particular interests are lupus, vasculitis and transplantation; established the ABO and HLA antibody incompatible transplant programme in Oxford.
Member of the NHSE Clinical Reference Group for transplantation and sits on the Kidney Advisory Board of NHSBT ODT.
Areas of interest
Lupus; Transplantation (medical); Vasculitis; General Nephrology
Medical secretaries
- Sheila Otway
- 66 Weyland Road Headington Oxford OX3 8PD
- 01865 430642
- sheilaotway1@outlook.com