
Louise Rahmanou Physiotherapy

Physiotherapy for Women

Physiotherapy 80011301


  • Fee assured
Fee assured

Specialises in

  • Male or female health

About me

Louise Rahmanou is an experienced specialist physiotherapist with a Masters degree in women's health physiotherapy. She qualified in 1999 and has working in the NHS and private sector throughout her career. PT Practice for Women was set up in 2006 in Harley Street. She has now transfered her practice to Cheltenham iand works closely with like minded professionals to provide a holistic and supportive service to women.

Areas of interest

gynaecological physiotherapy including pelvic floor weakness; incontinence; prolapse; pelvic pain; dyspareunia; urinary frequency; Urinary urgency; overactive bladder; birth injuries and painful perineal scar tissue.
Treatment may include advice and education; pelvic floor electrical stimulation; biofeedback; lifestyle changes.
Obstetric physiotherapy including pelvic and low back pain; rectus abdomens diastasis; advice and education on posture and exercise ante/postnatally.
Also offers a service called Mummy MOT wich is a full postnatal check for women to aid recovery following delivery and return to health and fitness.

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