Current NHS consultant posts held
Consultant Breast Surgeon
Gartnavel General Hospital
Glasgow G12 0YN
Honorary Senior Lecturer in Surgery
University of East Anglia
Research interests
Regional Management of Locally Advanced and Recurrent Breast Cancer. Julie has published in excess of 70 Book Chapters, Papers and Abstracts in the last 5 years. Lectured Internationally at several Prestigious Centres, including The John Wayne Cancer Institute of California, The Tata Memorial Hospital in Mumbai and gave The Centenary Lecture for the Royal Danish College of Surgeons. She continues to organise many Post-Graduate Educational Meetings for young and established Breast Surgeons, notably a major meeting for trainees in Glasgow annually
Personal interests
Julie has been able to combine her passion for travel with close collaboration with colleagues on research projects. Julie has a keen interest in motorsport and has worked with both Aston Martin and Bentley at major events. She enjoys Theatre and The Arts and is an avid supporter of The Citizens Theatre in Glasgow, The Donmar, Almeida and National in London, and the Royal Shakespeare Theatre in Stratford.
Awards received
Invited to present the Centenary Lecture to the Danish Royal College of Surgeons and awarded the College Medal
*Landmark papers in General surgery; Breast and Endocrine Chapters. Published Blackwell March 201
*Follow-up of skin-sparing mastectomy followed by immediate breast reconstruction.
*Interactions between MAP kinase and oestrogen receptor in human breast cancer.
*The relationship between components of tumour inflammatory cell infiltrate and clinicopathological factors and survival in patients with primary operable invasive ductal breast cancer.
*Comparison of visual and automated assessment of HER2 status and their impact on outcome in primary operable invasive ductal breast cancer.
*Breast cancer outcomes by steroid hormone receptor status assessed visually and by computer image analysis.
*Male mastectomy an oncoplastic solution to improve aesthetic outcome.
British Journal of plastic surgery.
*Use of boost radiotherapy in oncoplastic breast conserving surgery – a systematic review
*Interactions between MAP kinase and oestrogen receptor in human breast cancer.
*Incomplete tumour excision margins during therapeutic mammaplasty – assessment of predictive factors
*Patient counselling and socioeconomic deprivation – two factors that profoundly influence immediate breast reconstruction rate after mastectomy
*Short-term oncological safety of oncoplastic breast conservation surgery – the Glasgow experience.
*Oncoplastic breast conservation surgical techniques and postoperative complication rates – the Glasgow experience
*Therapeutic mammoplasty does not cause a delay in the delivery of chemotherapy in high risk breast cancer patients.
*Incomplete Tumour Excision Margins During Therapeutic Mammoplasty – Assessment of Predictive Factors
*Does Immediate Breast Reconstruction Technique Influence True Local Recurrence Rate After Skin-sparing Mastectomy?
*Oncoplastic Breast Conservation does not lead to a delay in the commencement of adjuvant
chemotherapy in Breast Cancer Patients
Courses offered to GPs
1. Surgical Management of Breast Cancer an Update
2. Recent Trends in Breast Disease
3. Management of the Side Effects of Breast Cancer Treatments
4. Breast Cancer a Chronic Disease