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About me
Dr Mier graduated in medicine at Middlesex Hospital, London. After training posts in cardiology and rheumatology at the Middlesex Hospital, general medicine and neurology at Chelsea and Westminster Hospital, and general medicine and endocrinology at Royal Free Hospital, Dr Mier became lecturer and registrar at Royal Brompton Hospital, carrying out research into respiratory muscle physiology, where she completed her MD thesis, and then later lecturer and senior medical registrar at Charing Cross Hospital.
She was Consultant Physician at Royal Free London NHS Trust, Chase Farm Hospital from 1992 to 2015, where she was the Lead Clinician in Asthma and Allergies . She was a Member of the Research Committee of the British Thoracic Society for 3 years.
She was awarded the Physicians as Educators Qualification from the Royal College of Physicians, and she is an Examiner for the PACES examination for the Membership of the Royal College of Physicians.
Her interests include cough, breathlessness, chest infections, asthma, allergies and COPD, lung cancer, sleep disorders and fatigue.
Areas of interest
All respiratory disorders including cough, breathlessness, asthma, allergy, COPD, sleep disorders, chest infections, lung cancer, sarcoidosis, bronchiectasis. General health including fatigue syndromes.
Medical secretaries
About me
External resources
Research interests
Published many papers in the field of respiratory muscle disorders, respiratory physiology and other respiratory and medical conditions
Personal interests
Asthma and allergies
Sleep medicine
Fatigue syndromes
Respiratory muscle and lung function
Awards received
• Thomas Yeates Prize in Anatomy
• Edward Hart Prize in Paediatrics
• Sidney Kaye Prize in Physiology
• Royal Free Hospital Edith Pechey Phipson Postgraduate Scholarship
• Royal Society of Medicine Alan Edwards Prize (twice)
• Medical Research Society Eli Lilly Prize
• Wellcome Trust Travel Grant to visit and lecture in the Department of Medicine Physiology at Harvard Medical School
(Additional) Languages spoken
Action of the abdominal muscles on the rib cage in man. Mier A, Brophy C, Estenne M et al Journal of Applied Physiology 1985: 58: 1438-1443.
Phrenic nerve stimulation in normal subjects and in patients with diaphragmatic weakness. Mier A, Brophy C, Moxham J, Green M Thorax 1987:42: 885-888.
Assessment of diaphragmatic weakness. Mier A, Brophy C, Moxham J, Green M Am. Rev. Resp. Dis. 1988:137: 877-883.
Respiratory muscle weakness during viral upper respiratory tract infections. Mier A, Brophy C, Moxham J, Green M Am. Rev. Resp. Dis. 1988:138: 5-7.
Respiratory muscle weakness – Topical Review Mier A Respiratory medicine 1990:84: 351-359.
Numerous other papers, presentations and abstracts
My outcomes
Outcomes (self-reported)
Patient satisfaction surveys report maximum satisfaction consistently from all patients. Numerous excellent testimonials from patients and colleagues
My qualifications & training
University of London 1978
Royal College of Physicians 1980
- MD
University of London 1986
Royal College of Physicians 1996
- Physicians as Educators
Royal College of Physicians 2005
Additional training
- FCUK Qualification in Thoracic Ultrasound
London 2012
GMC registration
Reference number 2446462
Professional bodies (positions held - last 3 yrs)
- Examiner for Membership ( PACES) Examinaction
Royal College of Physicians 2007
- Fellow
Royal College of Physicians 1996
- Member
European Respiratory Society 2015
- Member
British Thoracic Society 1986
Details of entry to specialist register
- Respiratory Medicine
, 1986
- General (internal) medicine
, 1986
Affiliations / memberships
Fellow of the Royal College of Physicians, Chelsea Clinical Society,
Medical Society of London,
Independent Doctors Forum,
British Thoracic Society,
European Respiratory Society,
British Medical Association
My private practice
Practice hours
Appt Bookings
- 164-178 Cromwell RoadLONDONSW5 0TU
- Tuesday
- 18:00
- 20:00
- 020 7460 5700
- 164-178 Cromwell RoadLONDONSW5 0TU
- Thursday
- 10:00
- 12:00
- 020 7460 5700
- 164-178 Cromwell RoadLONDONSW5 0TU
- Thursday
- 17:00
- 18:00
- 020 7460 5700
- 164-178 Cromwell RoadLONDONSW5 0TU
- Friday
- 17:00
- 19:00
- 020 7460 5700
- Chase Farm North SideThe...
- Wednesday
- 13:00
- 15:30
- 020 8370 9500
Post treatment communication
Following treatment of a Bupa member, I will communicate with GPs
in line with Department of Health, GMC and appropriate professional bodies
In the event of an urgent query following treatment, Bupa members should use the
following contact details