Miss Maureen Moerbeck

Miss Maureen Moerbeck

Dietetics 30012243

  • Fee assured
Fee assured

About me

I am a specialist dietitian working in eating disorders and irritable bowel syndrome and have been working in these areas for many years. I am passionate about helping people to learn about nutrition for health, get back to normal eating, work on a better relationship with food and their body and achieve their nutrition goals.

Areas of interest

Eating disorders; Anorexia; Bulimia; Binge eating disorder; Healthy eating; Disordered eating; Irritable Bowel Syndrome; Intuitive Eating; Mindful Eating; Orthorexia

My qualifications & training
My private practice
Consultant's practices
Information for healthcare professionals

Information for healthcare professionals (Bupa patients only, last 12 months)

Procedures completed

  • AA743

    Follow on dietitian treatment session - (1-5)

  • AA742

    Initial dietitian treatment session - (1-5)

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