Professor Jonathan Ledermann

Professor Jonathan Ledermann

General (internal) medicine, Medical oncology 02442255


  • Not Fee assured
  • Open Referral network
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Open Referral network

About me

I graduated in medicine at UCL and UCH Medical School, and subsequently trained in medical oncology at UCH, Charing Cross Hospital London, and the Princess Margaret Hospital Toronto, before moving to UCL as a consultant in 1990.
I specialise in the treatment of gynaecological and colorectal cancers and I am the lead medical oncologist for gynaecological cancers in the North London Cancer Network, where I am also the lead for clinical research. My other research interests are in clinical trials and I am head of the UCL Cancer Trials Centre, one of the NCRI-accredited national cancer trials centres funded by research grants from Cancer Research UK.
I have developed and led several national and international trials in gynaecological cancer and I am currently leading two trials with novel drugs in ovarian cancer.

Areas of interest

Gynaecological oncology

Medical secretaries

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