Professor Andrew Baildam

Professor Andrew Baildam

General surgery 02436599


  • Bupa Platinum consultant
  • Fee assured
  • Open Referral network
Bupa Platinum consultant
Fee assured
Open Referral network

Specialises in

  • Breast surgery

About me

Professor Andrew Baildam trained in Surgical Oncology and then additionally breast plastic and reconstructive surgery before appointment as Consultant Surgeon and Honorary Senior Lecturer in Surgical Oncology at The Christie Hospital in Manchester UK. Subsequently he was appointed to St Bartholomew's Hospital in London as the Professor of Breast and Oncoplastic Surgery to the University of London. During his training he took two years in London and Manchester to research into the molecular biology of breast cancer, leading to a Doctoral Thesis. With a keen interest in the care of patients with genetic breast cancer and oncoplastic breast surgery, he has over 180 peer reviewed publications, abstracts and chapters, and has innovated a number of approaches to breast cancer surgery. He has also held several positions including being the past President of BASO-The Association of Cancer Surgery and the Chair of Royal College of Surgeons of England Cancer Surgery Committee. Of note, he set up the cross specialty breast surgery oncoplastic fellowships in the UK, leading to a better-structured oncoplastic programme for surgical trainees.

He is enthusiastic and passionate both for the highest quality care for patients, and for inspiration of trainees, and has a high tertiary referral surgical practice in Manchester and London. He teaches and lectures widely and spends off-work time climbing mountains and enjoying music and art.

Areas of interest

Breast disease
Breast oncology
Breast cancer treatment
Benign breast disease
Cosmetic breast surgery
Breast uplift surgery
Lumps and bumps
Breast assessment
Breast reduction
Breast augmentation
Risk reducing mastectomy
Gynaecomastia surgery (male)
Tubular breast treatment
Breast asymmetory
Nipple surgery
Fat transfer for breasts
Breast contouring using fat transfer
Total/partial breast reconstruction using fat transfer
Total/partial breast reconstruction
Breast surgery
Oncoplastic breast surgery
Breast reconstruction
Nipple areola reconstruction
Nipple areola tattoo
Risk reducing surgery and reconstruction
Breast Aesthetic surgery
Revision breast surgery
Tertiary referral practice
Breast diagnostic referrals
BRCA1 / BRCA2 and genetic testing and assessment

Medical secretaries

Anaesthetists worked with

My qualifications & training
My private practice
Consultant's practices
Information for healthcare professionals

Information for healthcare professionals (Bupa patients only, last 12 months)

Procedures completed

  • B3017

    Reconstruction of breast using fat transfer (including delayed reconstruction) - (5-50)

  • S4780

    Aspiration of subcutaneous haematoma - (1-5)

    Alexandra Hospital (1-5)

  • B3580

    Nipple areola complex reconstruction +/- liposuction and fat transfer - (1-5)

    Alexandra Hospital (1-5)

  • T9000

    Sentinel node mapping and sampling with blue dye or radioactive probe for breast cancer - (1-5)

  • S0605

    Secondary excision of malignant lesion - trunk & limbs - (1-5)

    Alexandra Hospital (1-5)

  • B3036

    Removal and replacement of prosthesis into the breast (including capsulectomy) - unilateral - (1-5)

    Alexandra Hospital (1-5)

  • B2830

    Re-excision of lesion of breast if resection margins are not clear (as sole procedure) - (1-5)

  • B3100

    Reduction mammoplasty - unilateral - (1-5)

  • B3130

    Unilateral mastopexy (following reconstruction) - (1-5)

  • B2880

    Excision biopsy of breast lesion after localisation - (1-5)

  • Show All (15 )...
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