External resources
Current NHS consultant posts held
Consultant HPB & Transplant Surgeon at Derriford Hospital
Research interests
Enhanced Recovery
Role of drains in pancreatic surgery
laparoscopic liver and pancreatic surgery
Personal interests
Laparosocpic HPB and general Surgery
Awards received
Best Student of the University of Health Sciences, Andhra Pradesh, India
Winner of eight gold medals in Medical School
Winner of best research prize during MD from Queen's University belfast
(Additional) Languages spoken
The Preoperative Assessment of Hepatic Tumours: Evaluation of UK Regional Multidisciplinary Team Performance.
Wiggans MG, Jackson SA, Fox BM, Mitchell JD, Aroori S, Bowles MJ, Armstrong EM, Shirley JF, Stell DA. HPB Surg. 2013;2013:861681. doi: 10.1155/2013/861681. Epub 2013 Aug 22.
Impact of wound edge protection devices on surgical site infection after laparotomy: multicentre randomised controlled trial (ROSSINI Trial). Pinkney TD, Calvert M, Bartlett DC, Gheorghe A, Redman V, Dowswell G, Hawkins W, Mak T, Youssef H, Richardson C, Hornby S, Magill L, Haslop R, Wilson S, Morton D; West Midlands Research Collaborative; ROSSINI Trial Investigators. BMJ. 2013 Jul 31;
Extended pathology reporting of resection specimens of colorectal liver metastases: the significance of a tumour pseudocapsule. Wiggans MG, Shahtahmassebi G, Malcolm P, McCormick F, Aroori S, Bowles MJ, Stell DA. HPB (Oxford). 2013 Sep;15(9):687-94. doi: 10.1111/hpb.12028. Epub 2012 Dec 27.
Outcomes comparing a pancreaticogastrostomy (PG) and a pancreaticojejunostomy (PJ) after a pancreaticoduodenectomy (PD). Aroori S, Puneet P, Bramhall SR, Muiesan P, Mayer AD, Mirza DF, Buckels JC, Isaac J. HPB (Oxford). 2011 Oct;13(10):723-31. doi: 10.1111/j.1477-2574.2011.00363.x
Five-year prospective follow-up of 430 laparoscopic totally extraperitoneal inguinal hernia repairs in 275 patients. Messenger DE, Aroori S, Vipond MN. Ann R Coll Surg Engl. 2010 Apr;92(3):201-5. doi: 10.1308/003588410X12628812458455.
Ultrasound is a useful adjunct to mammography in the assessment of breast tumours in all patients. McCavert M, O'Donnell ME, Aroori S, Badger SA, Sharif MA, Crothers JG, Spence RA. Int J Clin Pract. 2009 Nov;63(11):1589-94. doi: 10.1111/j.1742-1241.2009.02102.x. Epub 2009 Aug 14. Review.
Clostridium difficile: how much do hospital staff know about it?
Aroori S, Blencowe N, Pye G, West R. Ann R Coll Surg Engl. 2009 Sep;91(6):464-9. doi: 10.1308/003588409X432310. Epub 2009 Jun 25.
Chronic pain after hernia surgery--an informed consent issue.
Aroori S, Spence RA. Ulster Med J. 2007 Sep;76(3):136-40.
Laparoscopic managment of common bile duct stones: our initial experience. Aroori S, Bell JC. Ulster Med J. 2002 May;71(1):22-5.
Courses offered to GPs
Recent Advances in the management of Colorectal liver metastasis
Management of Pancreatic Cancer
Investigation of a patient with deranged liver fucntion tests