
Mrs Tracy Sanderson

Orthoptics 30010909


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About me

Tracy achieved her orthoptic qualification from the Manchester school of orthoptics at Manchester Royal Eye Hospital, she then proceeded to attain her teaching qualification at the University of Liverpool and then her Masters degree at UMIST.

Tracy worked initially in the North East for 2 years, and then returned to her home of Manchester working in both community and acute settings with Manchester Royal Hospital and Mancunian Community NHS Trust, for the next 10 years. The next 4 years were spent in Tameside and Glossop followed by 2 years in Australia, where she was granted qualification by the Australian Orthoptic Board and continued in orthoptic practice.
On returning to the UK Tracy now works for Manchester NHS trust and has expanded her work into the private sector, with regular clinics at The Alexandra private hospital.

Tracy has extended experience of working within orthoptics with many specialist ophthalmologists. She has published in recognised medical journals and presented research papers at both local and international meetings.

Areas of interest

Paediatric strabismus (squint) and amblyopia (lazy eye); Adult ocular motility and binocular vision disorders; double vision; eye strain;

About me
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Consultant's practices
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