Dr John Rogers

Dr John Rogers

The Orth Team (Bupa Accredited Consultant Group)

Sports & Exercise Medicine (consultant) 04420093

  • Bupa Platinum consultant
  • Fee assured
  • Open Referral network
Bupa Platinum consultant
Fee assured
Open Referral network


  • Face-to-face consultations
  • Video and telephone consultations

About me

Dr Rogers works as a Consultant in Sport, Exercise and Musculoskeletal Medicine, Team Doctor to British Athletics and as a Visiting Professor in Sport & Exercise Medicine at Manchester Metropolitan University where he leads on the Team Physician Module. He works as an Independent Concussion Consultant for World Rugby and sits on Clinical Governance committees for British Cycling and British Athletics. He is actively involved in training junior doctors in Sport and Exercise Medicine and acts as an Educational Supervisor with Health Education England North West deanery. He is a Fellow of the Faculty of Sport and Exercise Medicine in the UK and acts as CESR lead for the Faculty.

He is passionate about helping people of all ages and abilities in overcoming their musculoskeletal and medical problems related to their specific physical activity, exercise and sporting goals.

His work also involves treating people with medical problems related to physical activity and exercise e.g. cardiac symptoms, breathing difficulty, fatigue and underperformance in sport, osteoporosis, vascular problems, concussion, mental health problems and nutritional deficiencies. He has expertise in prescribing exercise for patients with a range of chronic diseases.

He works closely with a multidisciplinary team of Radiology, Medical and Surgical Consultants, Physiotherapists and Sport Science colleagues in coordinating care for people with a wide range of medical and musculoskeletal problems. He contributes to specialist Spinal, Hip and Groin and Sport and Exercise Medicine Multidisciplinary Team meetings on a weekly basis.

His previous positions include Training Programme Director for Sport and Exercise Medicine NW England, CMO to British Triathlon, Institute Medical Officer to British Athletics, Consultant SEM Physician at the Defence Military Rehabilitation Centre, Headley Court, CMO for Team GB at Youth Olympic Games, Team Doctor for British Paralympic Athletics Team and Sports Physician at Orreco.

Areas of interest

Sport and physical activity related injuries in teenagers, adults and older people; overuse injuries to the hip and groin; tendon problems; stress fractures; concussion; sports cardiology; assessment, investigation and management of medical problems and illnesses related to sport, exercise and physical activity including fatigue and underperformance in sport.

Medical secretaries

About me
My qualifications & training
My private practice
Consultant's practices
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