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About me
Tony Heagerty graduated in Medicine from London University and began his research career supervised by John Swales in Leicester where he developed his interests in vascular biology of hypertension. He studied the structure and function of resistance sized arteries from patients and adopted a reverse translational approach to look for the mechanisms responsible in animal models. The work was funded by the UK Medical Research Council and the British heart Foundation and in 1987 he obtained his research MD and was appointed to a BHF Clinical Senior Research Fellowship. The significance of his work was recognised by the International Society of Hypertension which awarded him its Prize for the Outstanding Young Investigator in 1988. In 1990 he delivered the Royal College of Physicians Goulstonian Lecture and the following year was appointed Professor of Medicine in the University of Manchester and established a Department focussed on Cardiovascular Research. He has recently taken on the role as Head of the School of Medical Sciences within the Faculty of Biology, Medicine and Health. He has published more than 300 papers and in 2014 delivered the Wolfgang Kiowski Memorial Lecture and in 2015 the John Swales Memorial Lecture. In 2016 he received the ISH Robert Tigerstedt Lifetime Achievement Award. He was Co-Chair of the Review Committee for the 2018 ESH/ESC Hypertension Guidelines.
Areas of interest
Medical secretaries
- Maureen Speed
- 0161 275 1199
- maureen.speed@manchester.ac.uk