External resources
Current NHS consultant posts held
I do not currently hold an NHS post. My last NHS post was Consultant Psychiatrist in general adult psychiatry at Cumbria, Northumberland Tyne & Wear NHS Foundation Trust (to January 2021). My previous post was Consultant Psychiatrist in general adult psychiatry at NHS Lothian & Honorary clinical senior lecturer at the University of Edinburgh.
Research interests
My main research interests have been in psychological therapies for mental illness (including depression and eating disorders). My research training was at the Medical Research Council Centre at the Institute of Psychiatry where I researched into family intervention in the treatment of depression and public education to reduce stigma in mental illness. Subsequently I have published research into the treatment of eating disorders.
Awards received
Clinical excellence awards.
Selected publications:
Schmidt U, Oldershaw A, Jichi F, Sternheim L, Startup H, McIntosh V, Jordan J, Tchanturia, K Wolff G, Rooney M, Landau S, Treasure J (2012) A Randomised Controlled Trial of a Novel Trait Focused Treatment in Adults with Anorexia Nervosa. British Journal of Psychiatry. 201, 392-399.
Wolff G (2009) Eating disorders. In: Handbook of Primary Care Mental Health. Eds: Linda Gask, Helen Lester, Tony Kendrick, Robert Peveler. London, Gaskell.
Wolff G & Treasure J (2008) Medical and psychological consequences. In: ABC of eating disorders. Ed: Jane Morris. BMJ Books.
Leff, J., Alexander, B., Asen, E., Brewin, C.B., Dayson, D., Vearnals, S. and Wolff G. (2003) Modes of action of family interventions in depression and schizophrenia: the same or different? Journal of Family Therapy, 25, 357-370.
Wolff, G. (2001) “Stigma: how to cope with the stigma of mental illness as a carer and patientâ€. In: Mental illness: a handbook for carers. Eds: R Ramsay, C Gerada, S Mars and S Szmukler. Jessica Kingsley, London.
Leff, J., Vearnals, S., Brewin, C. R., Wolff, G., Alexander, B., Asen, E., Dayson, D., Jones, E., Chisolm, D. & Everitt, B. (2000) The London Depression Intervention Trial. Randomised controlled trial of antidepressants v. couple therapy in the treatment and maintenance of people with depression living with a partner: clinical outcome and costs. British Journal of Psychiatry, 177, 95-100.
Wolff, G. (1997) Attitudes of the Media and the Public. In: Care in the Community: Illusion or reality?. Ed: J Leff; John Wiley & Sons, Chichester.
Wolff, G., Pathare, S., Craig, T. & Leff, J. (1996) Public Education for Community Care. A new approach. British Journal of Psychiatry, 168, 441-447.
Wolff, G., Pathare, S., Craig, T. & Leff, J. (1996)Community Attitudes to Mental Illness. British Journal of Psychiatry, 168, 183-190.
Wolff, G., Pathare, S., Craig, T. & Leff, J. (1996) Community Knowledge of Mental illness and Reaction to Mentally Ill People. British Journal of Psychiatry, 168, 191-198.
Wolff, G., Pathare, S., Craig, T. & Leff, J. (1996) Who's in the lions' den? The community's perception of community care for the mentally ill. Psychiatric Bulletin, 20 (2), 68-71.