Mr Arnold Christiaan Goede

Mr Arnold Christiaan Goede

General surgery 04461308


  • Bupa Platinum consultant
  • Fee assured
  • Open Referral network
  • Accredited endoscopist
Bupa Platinum consultant
Fee assured
Open Referral network
Accredited endoscopist

Specialises in

  • General
  • Lower GI surgery

Bupa specialist

  • Accredited endoscopist


  • Face-to-face consultations
  • Video and telephone consultations

About me

Mr Goede qualified from the University of Pretoria in South Africa in 1996, and came to the UK in 1998. He first worked as a Basic Surgical Trainee in Hampshire and Warwickshire for four years. Two years of research followed at the Royal Free Hospital and he was awarded an MS from the University of London.
In 2004 Mr Goede gained a training position on the Oxford Higher Surgical Training Scheme. He attended specialist training courses and has had clinical exposure to laparoscopic surgery and complex colorectal surgery from early on in his training, and took a special interest in this field and pelvic floor surgery. He completed his training with a six month Advanced Laparoscopic Colorectal and Pelvic Floor Surgery Fellowship in Bristol. Further laparoscopic fellowship work in Berkshire followed before he took up a position as consultant in Buckinghamshire in 2011, where he has lived since 2001.

He now works as a Laparoscopic General and Colorectal Surgeon at Stoke Mandeville Hospital, Wycombe Hospital and at the BMI Chiltern. He practices as a specialist colorectal surgeon, and consults patients with general abdominal, colorectal and pelvic floor complaints. He performs weekly laparoscopic bowel resections and general surgery and colorectal surgery day-case procedures; and weekly gastroscopy and colonoscopy diagnostic and therapeutic procedures to diagnose or exclude, and treat a variety of colorectal, gastroenterological and general surgical diseases.

At Stoke Mandeville Hospital he has in addition developed a specialist interest in General Surgery and Colorectal Surgery for Spinal Cord Injury patients, and Complex Abdominal Wall Reconstruction alongside the Plastic Surgery unit.

Currently, he is the Lead for the Robotic Surgery Steering Group, Director of Medical Education for the St George's School of Medicine students based at Buckinghamshire Healthcare, Enhanced Recovery Programme Lead, Nutrition Lead for Surgery and Educational Supervisor to several Higher Surgical Trainees attending from Oxford.

Arnold has published extensively, in particular during the final years of his training and as a fellow. Interests include his research subject, carcinoid tumours, and more lately minimally invasive haemorrhoidal surgery, laparoscopic colorectal surgery, pelvic floor surgery and single port laparoscopic surgery for colorectal disease.

Areas of interest

Colorectal surgery (lower GI); Colonoscopy; Bowel Cancer; Cholecystectomy (Gallbladder, Gallstones);
Hernias, including inguinal hernia;
Incontinence (urine / faeces); Prolapse surgery; Abdominal pain;
Endoscopy - lower GI; Colitis; Haemorrhoids ("piles"); Pelvic floor surgery; Laparoscopic procedures ('keyhole surgery'); Colonic polyps; Fissures / fistulas; Pelvic prolapse; Endoscopy - therapeutic; Interventional endoscopy; Colon cancer; Endoscopy - upper GI; Anal fistula; Gastro-intestinal endoscopy; Rectal cancer; Inflammatory bowel disease (IBD); Ulcerative colitis; Crohn's disease; Anal cancer; Bowel surgery for spinal injury patients

Medical secretaries

Anaesthetists worked with

About me
About my work
My outcomes
My qualifications & training
My private practice
Consultant's practices
Information for healthcare professionals

Information for healthcare professionals (Bupa patients only, last 12 months)

Procedures completed

  • X3510

    IV sedation administered by operator - (5-50)

    Chiltern Hospital (The) (5-50)

  • H2510

    Rigid sigmoidoscopy (including proctoscopy and biopsy) - (5-50)

    Chiltern Hospital (The) (5-50)

  • 20365

    Follow-up out-patient consultation - remote - (5-50)

  • H2002

    Diagnostic colonoscopy, includes forceps biopsy of colon and ileum - (5-50)

    Chiltern Hospital (The) (5-50)

  • H2003

    Therapeutic colonoscopy with snare loop biopsy or excision of lesion - (5-50)

    Chiltern Hospital (The) (5-50)

  • H6260

    Proctoscopy (+/- biopsy) - (5-50)

    Chiltern Hospital (The) (5-50)

  • T2002

    Laparoscopic repair of inguinal hernia - unilateral - (1-5)

    Chiltern Hospital (The) (1-5)

  • J1830

    Laparoscopic cholecystectomy - (1-5)

    Chiltern Hospital (The) (1-5)

  • H2502

    Diagnostic flexible sigmoidoscopy (including forceps biopsy and proctoscopy) - (1-5)

    Chiltern Hospital (The) (1-5)

  • H6020

    Laying open of pilonidal sinus - (1-5)

    Chiltern Hospital (The) (1-5)

  • T2620

    Repair of recurrent incisional hernia requiring mesh - (1-5)

    Chiltern Hospital (The) (1-5)

  • H3364

    Laparoscopic anterior resection - high (i.e. colorectal anastomosis above the peritoneal reflection) - (1-5)

  • T2012

    Laparoscopic repair of inguinal hernia - bilateral - (1-5)

    Chiltern Hospital (The) (1-5)

  • T2781

    Repair of epigastric hernia - (1-5)

    Chiltern Hospital (The) (1-5)

  • H3367

    Robotic assisted laparoscopic anterior resection ¿ high (i.e., colorectal anastomosis above the peritoneal reflection). - (1-5)

  • H2350

    Endoscopic mucosal resection (EMR) of colorectal polyp - (1-5)

    Chiltern Hospital (The) (1-5)

  • T2000

    Primary repair of inguinal hernia - (1-5)

    Chiltern Hospital (The) (1-5)

  • H5240

    Banding of haemorrhoids - (1-5)

    Chiltern Hospital (The) (1-5)

  • Show All (31 )...
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