
Dr Nirendra Jena

Anaesthetics 02325945

  • Not Fee assured
  • Open Referral network
Not Fee assured
Open Referral network

About us

I have been a Consultant Anaesthetist since 1990 and was in NHS from 1992-2015. From 1st of March 2015 I am full time in private practice as a consultant anaesthetist. I had my GMC revalidation in Nov.2014 and have my regular annual appraisal since. I am in good health and will be providing anaesthetic care for few more years. I have no plans as yet to stop practicing. My main area of work is in different independent hospital in the Greater Manchester Area.

Areas of interest

My anaesthetic practice includes anaesthesia for Orthopaedic, Spinal, General, ENT, Gynaecology and some BariatricSurgery.

I do not get involved in Intensive Care Management for last few years, so as Paediatric Anaesthesia, as I do not do enough cases required in order to continue with it.

Medical secretaries

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