Dr Richard Seah

Dr Richard Seah

Dr Rick Seah

Sports & Exercise Medicine (consultant) 04643302


  • Bupa Platinum consultant
  • Fee assured
  • Open Referral network
Bupa Platinum consultant
Fee assured
Open Referral network


  • Face-to-face consultations
  • Video and telephone consultations

About me


MB BS, MSc (Hons), MAcadMEd, MRCGP, FRCP, FFSEM (I), FFSEM (UK), DFFP, DCH, DipSEM (GB&I), Dip.Football Med.


Rick graduated with a medical degree from Guy's & St Thomas' Hospitals Medical School, King's College London in 1999.

He is a Consultant in Sport, Exercise & Musculoskeletal Medicine at the Royal National Orthopaedic Hospital NHS in Stanmore.

He obtained his Master's degree in SEM (with distinction) from University College London and FSEM(UK) intercollegiate faculty diploma in 2005.

Rick completed his early education in Singapore and subsequently studied at Marlborough College in England.

He has trained in various NHS teaching hospitals within the UK. Senior house officer postings include the Oxford John Radcliffe, Hammersmith, Northwick Park and Central Middlesex Hospitals.

He was an honorary SEM research fellow at the Olympic Medical Institute and University of Southampton in 2005, carrying out clinical research to determine levels of endogenous hGH-markers in injured athletes.

Rick is an accredited specialist in SEM, having completed the London Deanery 4-year run-through higher specialty training rotation and working an extra year as a senior registrar.

His specialty registrar (SpR) postings include the Royal London, Whittington, University College, Homerton, St Marys and Charing Cross Hospitals; Royal National Orthopaedic Hospital Stanmore and the Defence Medical Rehabilitation Centre at Headley Court.

He is listed on the General Medical Council's specialist register and is a Fellow of the UK and Irish Faculties of Sport & Exercise Medicine.

He is an accredited Musculoskeletal Sonographer.

Areas of interest

Musculoskeletal medicine; Sports injuries; Dance injuries; Pain management; Shoulder & Elbow pain; Hip pain; Knee pain; Neck & Back pain; Leg pain; Foot & Ankle pain; Overuse injuries; Tendinopathy; Overtraining Syndrome; Injection Therapies; Orthobiologics & PRP; ESWT (Shockwave); Compartment Pressure Testing; Acupuncture & Dryneedling; Diagnostic Ultrasound.

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