Mrs Sharmila Muralitharan

Mrs Sharmila Muralitharan

Osteopathy 30005105


  • Fee assured
Fee assured

About us

Sharmila is a Naturopathic Osteopath. Naturopathy is a system of preventative and therapeutic medicine which looks at all of the factors affecting the body’s inherent healing mechanisms. Combined with Osteopathy it can be very effective when treating conditions, taking account diet, lifestyle, working environment and all of the contributing factors to determine an effective solution.

Areas of interest

Rheumatoid arthritis; Children (0-6 years of age); Tennis elbow; Cranial; Children (7-11 years of age); Temporomandibular joint disorders (TMJ); Constipation; Sciatica; Frozen shoulder; Lower back pain; Headache / migraine; Osteoarthritis; Trapped nerves; Posture problems; Pregnancy pain; Pelvic pain; Tinnitus; Shin splints; Neuralgia; Carpal Tunnel Syndrome; Osteoporosis; Repetitive strain injury; Plantar Fasciitis

Medical secretaries

Our private practice
Consultant's practices
Information for healthcare professionals

Information for healthcare professionals (Bupa patients only, last 12 months)

Procedures completed

  • AA526

    Follow on osteopath session - (>50)

  • AA525

    Initial osteopath session - (5-50)

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