Mr Zain Ul Abiddin

Mr Zain Ul Abiddin


Trauma & orthopaedic surgery 04740041


  • Fee assured
  • Open Referral network
Fee assured
Open Referral network

Specialises in

  • Foot & Ankle
  • Trauma


  • Face-to-face consultations
  • Video and telephone consultations

About me

Mr Abiddin graduated in Medicine with honours in 1989 from the University of Nagpur, India. He then pursued postgraduate training in Orthopaedics gaining Masters in Orthopaedics. He worked with renowned professors in India and gained valuable experience in Trauma and Orthopaedic surgery. In the UK he undertook higher surgical training in Trauma and Orthopaedics within Mersey Deanery and gained prestigious master’s degree MCh from the University of Liverpool.

He then gained specialist Foot and Ankle surgery training in Liverpool, Wrightington as well as a visiting fellowship in Maryland in the USA. He was appointed Consultant Orthopaedic Surgeon at Doncaster and Bassetlaw Teaching Hospital NHS Trust in 2010. He set up the Foot and Ankle service in the department and is the lead Foot and Ankle Surgeon.

He is an Honorary Clinical Lecturer in Orthopaedics at the University of Sheffield. He is significantly involved in Medical Education and Training. Over the years, he has provided specialist training in Foot and Ankle surgery to higher surgical trainees and has actively been involved in both medical student’s education and examinations.

Mr Abiddin is the Fellow of the Royal College of Physicians and Surgeons of Glasgow and member of the British Foot and Ankle Society, and British Medical Association (BOFAS).

MBBS 1989 Nagpur University
India MS (Orth) 1991 Nagpur University
India FRCS 2003 RCPS Glasgow UK
M.Ch (Orth) 2004 University of Liverpool UK
FRCS (Tr. & Orth) 2008 Intercollegiate exit exam, Royal College of Physicians and Surgeons Glasgow UK.

Visiting Fellowship at Institute of foot and ankle reconstruction at Mercy, Maryland USA (2011)

Areas of interest

Foot surgery: Bunion correction, Hammer-toe correction; Flat foot reconstruction, Surgery for mid foot-foot arthritis, Rheumatoid arthritis and complex foot corrections, Toe fusions and joint preserving surgery, Painful heel, Foot pain, Key hole surgery.
Ankle surgery: Arthroscopic joint procedures, Total ankle replacement, Arthroscopic ankle Joint fusion, Complex hind-foot corrections, Ankle fractures and post traumatic conditions, Achilles tendon surgery, Achilles tendon reconstructions, Ankle instability, Sports injuries to foot and ankle, Ankle pain; Tendon disorders, tendonitis, ligament disorders, torn ligament; plantar fasciitis; arthritis joint; arthritis; fractures; dislocation; painful feet

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