Fee assured
Verified account
Not in Open Referral network
- Face-to-face consultations
- Video and telephone consultations
About me
Dr Nida Chammas is an accomplished Consultant Physician in Diabetes, Endocrinology, Acute and General Medicine. She has extensive clinical experience gained in busy district general hospitals and teaching hospitals such as the Hammersmtih, UCLH and King’s College Hospital. Dr Chammas has undertaken additional training in the field of reproductive endocrinology at UCLH and obtained a postgraduate award in insulin pump therapy from Warwick University.
She has a strong research background, including an MSc in Endocrinology and Diabetes at King’s; also at King’s, valuable research in the Diabetic Foot Clinic, with results presented internationally. Dr Chammas is currently undertaking further research into the management of the diabetic foot, having successfully applied for CLAHRC funding, with colleagues and collaborators. An Honorary Clinical Senior Lecturer for Imperial College, teaching undergraduates. Dr Chammas is a fellow of the Royal College of Physicians and develops questions for the College examinations.
Areas of interest
Endocrine disorders; Thyroid disorders (hypothyroidism, hyperthryoidsim, thyroid cancer, thyroid lumps/ nodules); calcium and electrolyte imbalance; parathyroid adenoma, Diabetes, including diabetes mellitus; Insulin pump; Polycystic ovary syndrome (PCOS hirsutism, irregular periods); Obesity; Pituitary disease ( adenoma, prolactinoma, Cushing's, acromegaly), lethargy, fatigue; adrenal gland, endocrine investigations for fertility and impotence.
Medical secretaries
About me
Research interests
Diabetic Foot disease
(Additional) Languages spoken
Peer reviewed articles
• Chammas NK, Hill R, Foster A, Edmonds ME. Is neuropathic ulceration the key to understanding increased mortality due to Ischaemic heart disease in diabetic foot patients? A population approach using a proportionate model. Journal of International Medical Research 2002; 30: 553-559.
• NK Chammas, JD Teale, JD Quin. Insulinoma: How reliable is the biochemical evidence? Ann Clin Biochem 2003, 40: 689-93.
• Chammas NK, Chambers SM, Harris PE. The GnRH test in the assessment of patients with pituitary and parapituitary lesions. Results of a 5-year retrospective study. Pituitary (2008) 11:271-278.
• Nida Chammas, Radmila Juric, Nigel Koay, Varadraj Gurupur, Sang C. Suh. Towards a Software Tool for Raising Awareness of Diabetic Foot in Diabetic Patients. System Sciences (HICSS), 2013 46th Hawaii International Conference: 2646-2655
• Chammas NK, Hill R, Edmonds ME. Increased mortality in diabetic foot ulcer patients: the significance of ulcer type. Journal of Diabetes Research 2016; 2016:2879809
• N Chammas and K Shotliff. Letter in Prescriber 2001; 12(8): 117
• Chammas NK and Harris PE. Lymphocytic Hypophysitis: something old, something new. CME Bulletin Endocrinology & Diabetes. 2000; 3: 49-51.
• Chammas NK and Shotliff KP. Blood pressure or glycaemic control in type 2 diabetes mellitus. Update 2002; 64: 154 – 163
My qualifications & training
The Royal College of Surgeons in Ireland 1992
GMC registration
Reference number 4682873
Details of entry to specialist register
- Diabetes, Endocrinology and General Internal Medicine
, 2006
Affiliations / memberships
• Royal College of Physicians of Ireland
• Diabetes UK
• British Endocrine Society
• British Thyroid Association
• British Fertility Society
My private practice
Practice hours
Appt Bookings
- 164-178 Cromwell RoadLONDONSW5 0TU
- Monday
- 13:30
- 15:30
- 020 7390 8345
- 164-178 Cromwell RoadLONDONSW5 0TU
- Tuesday
- 13:30
- 15:30
- 020 7390 8345
- 164-178 Cromwell RoadLONDONSW5 0TU
- Thursday
- 10:00
- 13:00
- 020 7390 8345
- 164-178 Cromwell RoadLONDONSW5 0TU
- Friday
- 15:00
- 17:00
- 020 7390 8345
- 42-52 Nottingham PlaceLONDONW1U 5NY
- Monday
- 09:30
- 12:00
- 020 7390 8345
- 42-52 Nottingham PlaceLONDONW1U 5NY
- Tuesday
- 09:30
- 12:00
- 020 7390 8345
- 42-52 Nottingham PlaceLONDONW1U 5NY
- Thursday
- 15:00
- 18:00
- 020 7390 8345
- Chiswick High RoadLondonW4 4HS
- Tuesday
- 17:00
- 19:00
- 020 7390 8345
Post treatment communication
Following treatment of a Bupa member, I will communicate with GPs
in line with Department of Health, GMC and appropriate professional bodies