- Not Fee assured
- Verified account
- Open Referral network
Specialises in
- Gynaecology
- Urology
- Face-to-face consultations
- Video and telephone consultations
About us
Trained at Merton College, Oxford University and St George’s Hospital Medical School London and graduated in 1998.
Completed her post-graduate general medical training at The Bart’s and The London in 2002 and was accredited in Clinical Oncology in 2007 in London.
Prior to taking up Consultant post spent 2 years as a Clinical Research Fellow at the Royal Marsden Hospital and Institute of Cancer Research.
Appointed as a Clinical Oncologist at The Royal Berkshire Hospital in September 2009.
Interested in the treatment of gynaecological cancers, prostate, bladder and renal cancers.
Specialises in Prostate Brachytherapy.
Currently Clinical Director and Lead Cancer Physician at the Berkshire Cancer Centre
Areas of interest
Brachytherapy; Prostate disease including prostate cancer; Urological oncology; Gynaecological oncology
Medical secretaries
- Trisha Evans
- 0118 959 8866
- practicemanager@berkshire-oncology.org.uk
Information for healthcare professionals (Bupa patients only, last 12 months)
Clinical supervision of the delivery of a single fraction of radiotherapy - (5-50)
GenesisCare, Windsor (5-50) Spire Dunedin Hospital (5-50)
Clinical supervision and planning for the delivery of chemotherapy and/or systemic anti-cancer therapy for 1-28 days - (5-50)
Spire Dunedin Hospital (5-50)
Clinical supervision of external beam radiotherapy, for 16 or up to and including 30 fractions - (1-5)
GenesisCare, Windsor (1-5) Spire Dunedin Hospital (1-5)
Preparation for intermediate radiotherapy with Intensity Modulated Radiotherapy (IMRT) - (1-5)
Spire Dunedin Hospital (1-5)
Preparation for complex radiotherapy with Intensity Modulated Radiotherapy (IMRT) - (1-5)
GenesisCare, Windsor (1-5)
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