Professor Vass Hadjianastassiou

Professor Vass Hadjianastassiou

Mr Vass Anastassiou

General surgery, Vascular surgery 04431118


  • Fee assured
  • Not in Open Referral network
Fee assured
Not in Open Referral network

Specialises in

  • Aortic aneurysm
  • Varicose veins
  • Vascular surgery


  • Face-to-face consultations
  • Video and telephone consultations

About me

Professor Vassilis Hadjianastassiou graduated from the Medical School of the Uni. of Oxford, where he also completed his doctoral thesis in abdominal aortic aneurysms. He holds dual GMC accreditation in General Surgery and Vascular Surgery, having completed his specialist surgical training at the Oxford and London Deaneries. He was appointed Consultant Surgeon at Guy's & St. Thomas' NHS Hospitals in 2008, where he also served as the Clinical Lead for pancreas transplantation. In 2011 he was recruited by the Cyprus Ministry of Health to restructure the system of Organ Transplantation in Cyprus and became the founding Medical Director of Transplantation there. He also served for 2 years as one of the two appointed experts in Vascular Surgery on the Cyprus Government’s Advisory Committee. He currently works at the Royal London Hospital as a full-time Consultant Surgeon (Bart’s Health NHS Trust) in Vascular Surgery, Kidney Transplant Surgery & General Surgery for the Renal Failure patient population.
He passionately supports continuous medical education and training and has been serving for several years as an examiner for (1) the European Diploma of Transplant Surgery (European Board of Surgery) and (2) for the MRCS award of the Royal College of Surgeons of England. Since 2013 he has held the post of Clinical Professor of Surgery of the Uni. of Nicosia Medical School. He has given numerous lectures in international meetings and has a significant number of scientific publications.
With his dual specialisation and more than 15 years’ Consultant grade surgical experience in the broad anatomical fields of general & vascular surgery, in complex laparoscopic techniques and in organ transplantation, he is competent and effective in managing a large spectrum of conditions in vascular and general surgery.

Areas of interest

Varicose Veins: Laser ablation, foam sclerotherapy;
Carotid Artery Surgery (under Local Anaesthesia where possible);
Kidney Transplantation;
Laparoscopic and Open Hernia Repairs (Adults);
Laparoscopic Cholecystectomy;
Laparoscopic Adrenalectomy;

Medical secretaries

Anaesthetists worked with

About me
About my work
My qualifications & training
My private practice
Consultant's practices
Information for healthcare professionals

Information for healthcare professionals (Bupa patients only, last 12 months)

Procedures completed

  • IM370

    US Doppler Vascular Limb (including duplex) - bilateral - (5-50)

  • 20365

    Follow-up out-patient consultation - remote - (5-50)

  • L8514

    Endovenous laser treatment (EVLT) of more than one venous trunk +/- phlebectomies - unilateral - (5-50)

    London Bridge Hospital (5-50) Nuffield Health Highgate Hospital (1-5)

  • L8600

    Unilateral varicose vein injection sclerotherapy - (1-5)

    London Bridge Hospital (1-5)

  • L8515

    Endovenous laser treatment (EVLT) of more than one venous trunk +/- phlebectomies - bilateral - (1-5)

    London Bridge Hospital (1-5)

  • S0633

    Excision of lesion of skin or subcutaneous tissue - up to three, Trunk & Limbs (excluding lipoma) - (1-5)

    London Bridge Hospital (1-5)

  • S0632

    Excision of lesion of skin or subcutaneous tissue - up to three, Head & Neck (excluding lipoma) - (1-5)

    London Bridge Hospital (1-5)

  • T2000

    Primary repair of inguinal hernia - (1-5)

  • L8510

    Ligation/stripping of long or short saphenous vein (including local excision/multiple phlebectomy) - (1-5)

    London Bridge Hospital (1-5)

  • Show All (13 )...
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