Mr Conor Boland

Mr Conor Boland

Audiology 30039774


  • Fee assured
Fee assured

About me

Durham Hearing Specialists is run by our Director of Audiology Mr. Conor Boland, and is the clinician who sees personally to every patient who walks through the door.

Conor started studying Audiology in 2007 at the University of Southampton, and after completing internships at two London hospitals, he joined the NHS to work with hearing impaired adults and children. He also became a Trustee of the organisation Action On Hearing Loss (RNID) and became heavily involved in charity work.

After gaining experience in the field, Conor went to Africa in 2013 on a short mission with the charity Sound Seekers. Whilst in Cameroon he was able to set up equipment and train staff to help a number of adults and children with aidable hearing loss hear properly for the first time using refurbished NHS hearing aids.

After returning to the UK and working in several public and private sector roles, Conor became a certified microsuction trainer and currently teaches GPs, Nurses and other Audiologists how to perform ear wax removal.

In 2019 Conor set up Durham Hearing Specialists with the goal of providing personalised, expert care to people with hearing disorders.

"Working with cutting edge technology is not only interesting, but a joy when I can use it to help someone hear better. Looking after my patients and ensuring they can always see me for care is my top priority, and making Durham Hearing Specialists known for world-class expertise in treating hearing disorders is the second."

Conor sees patients in our Barnard Castle and Stockton clinics.

Areas of interest

Hearing loss; Microsuction; Endoscopic microsuction; Tinnitus; Paediatric Microsuction and Hearing Tests

Medical secretaries

About me
About my work
My qualifications & training
My private practice
Consultant's practices
Information for healthcare professionals

Information for healthcare professionals (Bupa patients only, last 12 months)

Procedures completed

  • AU001

    Initial session with audiological testing - (5-50)

  • AU002

    Follow up session with audiological testing - (1-5)

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