Current NHS consultant posts held
Consultant Child and Adolescent Psychiatrist Lancashire Care NHS Foundation Trust 2016-Present
Associate Medical Director Lancashire Care NHS Foundation Trust 2018-2019
Vice Chair North of England Approval Panel for section 12 and AC approvals under the Mental Health Act
Training Program Director, Intellectual Disability. Health Education England, North West 2018-present
Research interests
ADHD, ASD, neurodevelopment disorders and Learning Disabilities
Publications – Peer reviewed articles
• A Study Into The Beliefs Relating To Causation And The Autism Spectrum Within Asian And White British Families Living In Manchester, Good Autism Practice 10-2 Oct2009 p64-75 M. Mockett, L. Hackett, L. Theodosiou, R. Hackett, A. Mockett
• Parental Perceptions of a Manchester Service for Autistic Spectrum Disorders International Journal of Family Medicine, Volume 2011 (2011), Article ID 601979, 6 pages doi:10.1155/2011/601979 M. Mockett, J. Khan, L. Theodosiou
• Demographics Associated with Autistic Spectrum Diagnosis in England, Review of European studies, Volume 4 No. 2 2012 pages 18-23, M. Mockett, L. Kinton, L. Theodosiou
Publications - Posters
- The Stomp Agenda in Lancashire Children, Emily Cox and Dr Mischa Mockett ( Royal College of Psychiatry Learning Disability Conference Dublin 2017 and 23rd World Congress of the International Association of Child and Adolescent Psychiatry and Allied Professionals 2018 Prague)
- An audit of ADHD prescribing practices within Lancashire learning disability service, Alex Heald and Dr Mischa Mockett (Royal College of Psychiatry Learning Disability Conference Dublin 2017 and 23rd World Congress of the International Association of Child and Adolescent Psychiatry and Allied Professionals 2018 Prague)
- Ethnicity and demographic variables of children and young people with autistic spectrum disorders, Lydia Kinton, Mischa Mockett, Louise Theodosiou (World Conference on Educational Technology Researches 2011; CMFT CARM Fair 2012).
- Ethnic Composition of Children Referred into North Manchester Social Communication Assessment and Intervention Team with Suspected Autistic Spectrum Disorder, Elizabeth Hawke, Mischa Mockett, Louise Theodosiou (Royal College of Psychiatry Learning Disability Conference 2011; )
- Ideas And Beliefs of The Causation Of Autism In Asian Families Compared To White European Families In Manchester, M. Mockett, L. Hackett, R. Hackett. (Royal College of Psychiatrists Faculty of Child and Adolescent Psychiatry Residential Meeting 2007).
- Parental Perceptions of a Manchester Service for Autistic Spectrum Disorders, M. Mockett, J. Khan, L. Theodosiou (CMFT CARM Fair 2011).